KIK is a com­mu­ni­ca­tion module that supports electronic document exchange between the ALIS system and company's existing tools and/or infor­ma­tion systems, such as databases, financial software or an ERP system. These systems are able to access any data generated or kept by ALIS, from tran­s­port unit locations to production dates, material flow history, or raw log records for various ope­ra­tions/events.

ALIS KIK is fully adapted to customer's needs and requi­re­ments. The most basic im­ple­men­ta­tions often support nothing more than current stock reporting, while in the most complex scenarios ALIS is under full control of the customer's ERP system.

Technical Solutions

Data exchange can take place in real time or at regular intervals. ALIS KIK currently supports the following com­mu­ni­ca­tion methods:

  • File Sharing (CSV, HTML, ODS, XLS, XML...) via various networking protocols (CIFS/SMB, FTP, HTTP, NFS, rsync, SSH, etc.).

  • Connection to customer's own databases (DB2, Firebird, Informix, Ingres, InterBase, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase).

  • Customer systems accessing the ALIS database (PostgreSQL), where special data exchange tables are available for this purpose.

  • Data exchange via e-mail messages (SMTP, IMAP, POP3).

  • Special-purpose protocols (based on TCP or UDP).

Cryp­to­graphic protection is available for all of the above. Supported methods include TLS encryption, SSH tunnels, and VPN connections using IPSec, OpenVPN or PPTP.


High availability was a crucial requi­re­ment during ALIS KIK de­ve­lop­ment. This resulted in several special work-around procedures to be used when regular com­mu­ni­ca­tion channels fail.

In case of a lost connection or protocol error ALIS KIK automatically reacts by switching the rest of the ALIS system to a (semi-)off­line mode. All logistics ope­ra­tions remain available, as well as maximum possible remaining connectivity and other functionality. During such e­mer­gen­ci­es, any messages to the affected external system(s) are put into a local queue so they can be sent onwards once the problem is resolved.

Most ALIS user interfaces include local mana­ge­ment regimes. These include all of the functionality necessary to handle such situations.

We have the know-how and ex­pe­ri­ence needed to upgrade or adjust the module for other com­mu­ni­ca­tion methods, as requested by clients.