Dedicated Solutions

Businesses facing challenging problems or very spe­ci­fic needs can rely on KoMnA to skillfully and efficiently carry out custom IT projects, such as:

  • Requi­re­ments analysis, planning and consulting.

  • Professional software and hardware applications de­ve­lop­ment.

  • System im­ple­men­ta­tion within complex, heterogeneous environments.

  • Software integration with production, storage, logistics, financial and other infor­ma­tion systems.

Our strength lies in the extensive knowledge of various data formats and com­mu­ni­ca­tion protocols, as well as ex­pe­ri­ence with many different IT platforms. We're able to find realistic, cost effective solutions that will closely match your needs and requi­re­ments, while taking great care of security, reliability, and data integrity.

Thoughtful Planning

As most of our products are used in intricate business environments or industrial conditions, great emphasis is given to software quality and usability. We achieve this by following our key design principles:

  • Adhering to technical standards ensures that our solutions will remain compatible with other software tools and systems for the foreseeable future.

  • Built-in connectivity enables our clients to retain control over their own data, access it at any time, and freely exchange it with other infor­ma­tion systems.

  • Security and privacy are non-optional — our servers and com­mu­ni­ca­tion channels are always protected against active and passive abuse or misuse.

  • User-friendly interfaces must be responsive, apply proper ter­mi­no­logy, and avoid disruptive elements or useless eye-candy.


As independent developers we have no partnerships with third-party hardware or software vendors and we're free to choose the best tools and technologies for every project. Clients are often surprised by the cost-effectiveness of solutions we suggest.

From our viewpoint, the ultimate goal of an IT project is customer and end-user satisfaction. We're quick to adapt to requi­re­ments changes during de­ve­lop­ment, and always able to implement upgrades or ex­ten­si­ons, even after the project is done.

KoMnA offers maintenance plans with lifetime warranties as well as rapid emergency response times. Businesses that require absolute control over the software can also purchase full source code with accompanying IP rights.

Perhaps KoMnA can help your organization, too. Contact us to directly consult our developers and system administrators.